Salem Park, Recreation & Community Services
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Welcome to Salem Park, Recreation and Community Services

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   Este sitio web ofrece traducción a numerosos idiomas. Desplácese hasta el final de esta página y seleccione el idioma preferido.

Salem Park, Recreation and Community Services provides comprehensive recreational and social activities to enhance the well being and social interaction for the Salem Community. 

Registration for programs is ongoing until they are filled to capacity.  Wait lists are available.  Programs are added to the website as they are developed, please continue to check out website for new programs.
Registration for Summer 2025 will begin on Tuesday, March 4, 2025.
Please continue to check our website for new summer programs are added as they are developed.


To get started please Create an Account with all your household information. The data provided - emergency contacts, medical information, etc. - will help us better serve you. This info will also be automatically placed into your registration forms.
When you’re ready to start registering for activities, be sure to review the How to Register for an Activity page.

Contact Info

Superintendent: Trish O'Brien
Program Manager: Kathy McCarthy
Facilities Manager: 
Joe Candelaria
Recreation Coordinator: Kyle Medeiros

Winter Island Manager: Dave Gilbert
Forest River Event Manager: Chelsea Duffy

Office Phone
: 978-744-0924

Office Hours:
Wednesday and Friday- 8:00am -4:00pm
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday - 8:00am -7:00pm

We are happy to share information on local youth and adult sports leagues and affiliates.  Please click the links for additional information.

Salem Little League (Tee Ball, Softball, Baseball)
Salem Beverly Babe Ruth
New England Flag Football
Salem Youth Football and Cheering
Salem Youth Soccer
Salem Swampscott Youth Hockey
Cartoon Basketball
Spaulding Adaptive Sports and Recreation


Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to register for or participate in our programs and services.  Kindly contact us at 978-744-0924 with an accommodation request.

Financial Assistance is available for programs.  Please fill out this Financial Assistance Application and forward to Kathy McCarthy @

The Salem Park, Recreation & Community Services Department is an Equal Opportunities Employer. Some of our programs are funded by the City of Salem Department of Planning and Community Development, The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. "In the provisions of our services, we do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender or gender identity, age, religion, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, ancestry, public assistance, veteran history/ military status, genetic information or disability."

Parque de Recreación y Servicios Comunitarios de Salem es un Empleador de Igualdad de Oportunidades. Nuestros programas y actividades son financiados por la Ciudad de Salem Departamento de Planificación y Desarrollo Comunitario Estado de MA a través de la Oficina Ejecutiva de Asuntos de personas mayores, el Gobierno Federal a de los Títulos IIIB e IIIC, North Shore Elder Services, los Amigos del Consejo sobre las Personas mayores y donantes individuales. "En el suministro de nuestros servicios, no discriminamos por raza, color, origen nacional, género o identidad de género, edad, religion, estado civil, estado familiar, orientación sexual, ancestros, asistencia pública, historia de veteranos / militares Estado, información genética o discapacidad."
